Favorite type of pickups/electronics route in a Strat body?

edited August 2020 in General

Swimming pool, hum-sing-hum, or sing-sing-sing?

Tho I don’t have one @ the moment, my favorite route would be a swimming pool route. It seems that that kind of route would be the least hassle when putting a loaded pickguard on. IE: No channels to have to feed the pickups and wires into.

The most I have right now, tho, are Strat bodies routed for hum-sing-hum, which is better than sing-sing-sing, but not quite as easy as a swimming pool route.

When I used to go to the Fender Forum in the early ‘00s, some people would wonder if having a sing-sing-sing route would be better for tone.

I think most concluded that the route that a Strat body had had no bearing on tone, that a body with a swimming pool route could be as toneful as a sing-sing-sing routed body.

Which is cool, because I think a swimming pool route would be the least hassle.

What kind of Strat pickup route is your favorite
  1. What kind of Strat pickup route is your favorite?1 vote
    1. 1. Sing-Sing-Sing
    2. 2. Hum-Sing-Hum
    3. 3. Swimming Pool
    4. 4. Terry d.


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